Unplanned Pregnancy…Now What

Unplanned pregnancy... now what-min

About 46 percent of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned.  Which would mean that if you are reading this, you have found yourself in that same situation or know of someone who is. Perhaps you or a friend are seeking advice on what to do next. When facing an unplanned pregnancy, the first […]

Abortion Safety Protocol

Abortion Safety Protocol-min

So, you have missed a period. You took a home test and you are pretty sure you are pregnant. Maybe you have seen a doctor, and they confirmed your pregnancy. You are pregnant and you have your reasons why you can’t have a baby right now.  So, you’ve decided to get an abortion. We get […]

What an Abusive Relationship Looks Like

What an abusive relation looks like

Her side: Since we’re little girls we begin to dream of a fairytale-like love story, the prince comes to sweep us away and we live happily ever after. We are strongly influenced by the stories we see in romantic movies, but what happens when the guy you once fell in love with begins to show […]