Pregnancy Testing


Think you might be pregnant? Schedule a pregnancy test at our clinic in Orlando, Florida. Choices Women’s Clinic offers free pregnancy testing, with results provided during your appointment. To schedule your free pregnancy test, request an appointment online.

Get a lab-quality pregnancy test administered by medical professionals.

If you do a pregnancy test at home, one thing to be aware of is that a test can be wrong even if it’s positive. To verity your pregnancy, it’s important to get a lab-quality pregnancy urine (hCG) test. A urine pregnancy test measures the levels of hCG, which is a hormone that is secreted when you are pregnant. At our clinic, your lab-quality test results are confirmed by a nurse.


If you aren’t sure you need to take a pregnancy test, or you don’t know what signs to look for, you’re not alone. Early pregnancy symptoms can be hard to detect and easy to misinterpret. That’s why it’s a good idea to take a pregnancy test if you’ve been sexually active and you are noticing any of the following symptoms:

• Missed period
• Unexpected changes to your body such as soreness, headaches, tiredness, breast sensitivity, nausea, or vomiting.
• Unexplained mood changes like irritability, mood swings, or food cravings and aversions.

These are a few of the most common and well-known pregnancy symptoms. However, most women experience these symptoms differently, and some may have very few of them at all. That’s why it’s very important for you to schedule an appointment for a pregnancy test when you experience these symptoms.


If your pregnancy test is positive, our staff will determine next steps, such as an ultrasound exam, and the best time to schedule that procedure. An ultrasound can confirm a viable pregnancy and can give an estimate of how far along you are. This is important information if you’re considering abortion or your pregnancy options.
At Choices you can talk about your options with healthcare professionals and trained personnel who have been helping women make informed and healthy pregnancy decisions since 1983. We are a non-profit medical clinic. Our professional staff will help you make an informed choice!

Contact us to schedule a free pregnancy  test in Orlando, Florida.

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